Karen MartiNSpecial exhibit and demonstration Saturday, October 24th from 11am to 2pm with light refreshments.
On display at Medina Gem is an exhibit of works, including color pencil "scribbles", watercolors, and bronze "urns" for your pet. Ms. Martin is primarily self taught, growing up with a Mother who introduced her to watercolor. From an early age, she fell in love with the fluidity of the medium, and the fresh look it takes on in painting, creating a great mood or expression that is hard to achieve in other painting mediums.
On exhibit are select watercolors and "scribbles" — drawings consisting of a series of little scribbling strokes that viewed from a distance look very detailed, up close just a bunch of crazy little lines, and bronze sculptures. Ms. Martin's interest in bronzes began at the loss of a dear Irish Wolfhound whom she wanted to honor through an art form which would allow her to place her pet's ashes in something other than a box. |
I currently am working on an English Mastiff and short haired cat, which I will be demonstrating at Medina Gem on Saturday, October 24th from 11am to 2pm.
"Bronze is a lengthy and labor intensive medium, so there was a lot to learn as I had never worked much in 3D. I work with a foundry in Cleveland, whose role it is to help with the molding process after my clay piece is completed, then do a "lost wax" technique and finish with the patina (color) of the bronze. I have at this point in my "pack", and Irish Wolfhound, Labrador, French Bulldog, and Boxer with ears cropped and natural."